Sunday, September 12, 2010

Elections continued

So in continuing with the topic of elections, I wanted to bring up the point of the electoral college and how the president is elected. The electoral college is 538 electors that are selected by the state parties. These electors pledge to vote for specific candidates but are not required to vote that way. They can change their mind if they so choose. These people are suppose to vote the way of the people, but here's the problem with that. The states that have the most electoral votes, are the most important. Duh right? Well, the popular votes of those states determines who wins because they have a winner-takes-all system in which the person that wins the plurality of votes. "A plurality just means the biggest percentage of the votes." So there are people who vote one way but are ignored because they're in a state where the majority there votes the other way.

There is one option that I really like that would really elect the president based on who the people wanted. That would be a proportional allocation of the votes in which the electoral votes would be divided according to the percentages won by each candidate. Imagine that. If you lived in a red state and you voted blue, then the candidates would get the votes based on how the people actually voted. Your vote would be counted. It would matter. People might actually take the time from work to go and vote. Imagine, being able to go out to a voting area and knowing that you matter, that you have power. Gives me a bit of a buzz thinking about how things would change. Politicians would have to pay attention to everyone, make sure that they were giving everyone the same attention or they might lose some major votes. Also, imagine that system, it would actually give the independent parties more ability to actually, legitimately run and hell one day they might win.

Imagine all the possibilities. And the best thing about this option? It doesn't require an amendment to the constitution. Wow. All the power being returned to the people. To the place where it's suppose to come from. Then the government might take notice and be afraid of its people instead of its people being afraid of it.

But, don't just take what I say and repeat it. Make up your own damn mind. I'm just putting my opinion out here for everyone to read. Let me know what your opinion is. I'm always up for listening. Also, a commenter made a really great comment on the last post. Go read it for more info. It went a bit over my head but it's another opinion and idea for us all to take in and understand. So, until next time, keep reading, learning, and thinking for yourselves. Because you really do have the power to change your world. All you have to do is make a choice and stick with it.
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