Thursday, August 26, 2010

What You Should Know About Politics...But Don't

I realized a few weeks ago that when it came to politics and everything about how the politics in this country works, I really didn't know that much. So, I did what any person with a library card does. I found a book that looked like it could answer my questions.

That book is titled What You Should Know About Politics...But Don't by Jessamyn Conrad. From the outside it boasts that it is a "nonpartisan guide to the issues" and from the preface, introduction, and first chapter I believe her. So I had a thought while reading, why not go through the book and each day share what I learned with everyone and give my views on the topic of that particular part. I figured that I would write a post for each chapter since I read about a chapter a day.

Maybe, just maybe, we'll all come out of this with a better understanding of the real issues and maybe we'll learn where we really stand so that we can all choose the people that will meet our wants and needs.

So, if you'd like to follow along, I encourage you to go to your local library or book store and pick up a copy and read this book and if you want share what you learn when you read each chapter. Please, make comments and even tell me you disagree because the greatest thing about this country is that we can all have our own opinion and express it and have a dialogue where we truly discuss and learn. Because living is really all about learning and expressing and making a mark in some form or fashion. And for me, right now, my mark will be made expressing myself the only way I know how. That is through ranting and raving about how the talking bobbleheads of the world drive me crazy.

Enjoy and I look forward from hearing your thoughts and opinions. Please don't be shy. Speak up. Be heard. It's your right to be heard and to be acknowledged because every person matters.

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