Monday, December 6, 2010

If You Don't Like It, Don't Read It!!!!!!

My favorite hobby is people watching. I find it very interesting to watch people and just observe them. I also listen to those around me. I don't really talk much mainly because I'd rather learn how others observe the world than interact. Also, I'm not knowledgeable about most things so I live by the wise words "it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt" (Unknown). And yet, through all of my observations, I find that most people don't actually know anything about what they're talking. It entertains me to listen to people talk at each other. I say 'talk at' because to actually speak and have a discussion requires that you talk to and listen to the people you are conversing with. Most times I just want people to talk less and listen more.

Now don't get me wrong...I'm all for people expressing their opinions, but I believe that if you get to express your opinion freely then I get to express my opinion freely as well, even if you don't like my opinion. So many people miss the point of having opposing opinions. The goal is to express different viewpoints and to expand our understanding of those that exist outside our safety box. People shelter themselves from everything that disagrees with their beliefs and they have the magical picture box turned to the channel that will repeat their own opinions back to them and say to themselves 'see I'm right'. While that may make us happy, it does nothing for the benefit of society. We get stuck in ruts and never learn how to express our opinions. I have this problem a lot. I find that I can't always explain what's in my mind clearly. But I've started listening to those people who disagree with my opinions and thoughts; through their expressions I learn what they believe and I can better explain myself since I see the world from their perspective. We can always use a step outside of ourselves and see the world from another perspective. That's why from time to time I like to sit on my couch upside down and look around. You'd be surprised how flipping something upside down can drastically change the way it is observed.

BUT....yes, I'm about to possibly contradict myself a bit. Maybe. While you should allow others to express themselves without interruption...this does not apply to the magical picture box(tv) or the magical talking box(radio) or even the magical connected box(computer/internet). If you don't want to see something, listen to something or read something you don't have to. You can change the channel, station, or website with a click or push of a button. If you don't want to hear that new rap song about drugs and hookers....don't listen. If you don't want to look at a that nude picture of whoever....don't look. If you don't want to watch Keith Olbermann poke fun at Bill O'Reilly or watch Bill O'Reilly yell at another guest....DON'T WATCH.

Also, if you don't like something, don't try to ban it. That just gives it credibility. If you don't like it, don't look/read/watch/listen/whatever. And teach your children your morals and let everyone else teach their children their morals. So the moral of the story: CLOSE YOUR ENDLESSLY FLAPPING FLAPPER AND LISTEN, AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T LOOK AT IT.

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