Saturday, February 26, 2011

God is perfect love

So I saw today that the hacker group Anonymous has removed the Westboro Baptist Church's websites from the internet. Personally, I'm thrilled. I've never understood how someone who claims to be a follower/worshiper of God can say that God hates anything. God is perfect love and yet that is not even close to the truth of God. He loves us all perfectly even though we may not understand how or why. So why do people feel the need to say things like God hates ________. How can you believe in a God that hates anything? It's hard for me to understand this. I've never understood the need to play the us and them game. The truth is that there is no them. There is only us. We are all together on this world and we need to open our eyes beyond what is comfortable for us and realize that different people are not the enemy. Different people just have lived differently and experienced differently and think differently. Different people aren't weird or bad or evil. They just are. We should all understand the two commandments that Jesus gave to us: Love God and love your neighbor. It's as simple as that. Maybe one day we'll all understand and stop killing each other over the most pointless of things.

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